Can my child have a taster class before enrolling?
Yes – please contact the Principal to arrange a free taster before you enrol online.
What Syllabi do you offer?
We offer the Royal Academy of Dance Syllabi for our Classical Ballet, and the International Dance Teacher’s Association Syllabi for Tap and Modern.
Does my child have to take examinations?
As a school we do encourage our pupils to take examinations to instil discipline with the aim of achieving the best results possible. We are proud of them and want them to have their achievements recognised by an independent body. Should a pupil not wish to enter for the Examination we will respect their choice as an individual. There may be alternative options for rewarding their achievements; please contact the Principal for more information.
What’s involved in taking an exam?
From Primary upwards (unless your child is already taking two classes a week, which we encourage) your child will need to ‘double up’ with another class each week for the 6 weeks before the exam to consolidate knowledge. This is in the best interests of the pupil to ensure they enter the exam with confidence.
Apart from Pre-Primary, all other exams are entered in groups of up to four. The Exam is usually conducted in the hall in which the child dances. The teacher and parents wait outside whilst the examiner conducts the examination. i.e. a full run through of the entire syllabus and usually two solo dance pieces.
The results are processed by the awarding bodies and certificated are returned to us, usually within two months.
Where can I buy the uniform?
All our uniform is available to purchase through our online shop. We aim to deliver the products to the pupil’s next class ready for collection. Our uniform is bespoke to the school and is hand made by our supplier in the Midlands. Other brands may not match our colours and will therefore not be acceptable for examinations.
Do you offer a scholarship programme?
Yes we do: it’s one of our founding principles. It was brought into practice by our Patron, Mrs Edwina Norris, to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to succeed. Please contact the office confidentially if you feel this opportunity may be of use to you.
How Much Do Classes Cost?
We have devised a cost model which encourages and allows us to support pupils taking multiple classes. The charges are based upon the time your family spend in class each week with our experienced, qualified and specialist teachers at RNSD.
The theory is simple: The more time the pupil spends learning, the better value it becomes for you.
Here are some examples to illustrate.
Each year is divided into 6 half terms: An average of 6 classes per half term. We have included "Cost per Hour" as an easy visual to demonstrate the reduction as more classes are taken.
Clara has just started dancing and takes one 30 minute class a week.
30 minutes/week = £5.70. Multiplied by 6 weeks = £34.20 per half term.
Clara’s parents then enrol Clara in a second class and also bring Clara’s brother, Fritz, along too. The family combined now attends three 30 minute classes each week totalling one and a half hours of teaching time.
1 hour 30 minutes/week = £11.30. Multiplied by 6 = £67.80 per half term. It costs £7.50 per hour, saving them £3.90 per hour.
Aurora, however, takes four 45 minute classes totalling three hours each week.
3 hours/week = £19.50. Multiplied by 6 = £117.00 per half term. It costs £6.50 per hour.
Odette attends two Vocational classes a week and two Grade classes. That totals as four hours per week.
4 hours = £25.00 per week. Multiplied by 6 = £150.00 per half term. It costs £6.25 per hour.
She then decides to take tap class, (an additional 45 minutes) which then totals to 4 hours 45 minutes each week.
4 hours and 45 minutes = £29.10 per week. Multiplied by 6 = £174.60 per half term or £6.13 per hour.
In short; the more you dance, the cheaper classes become!
Do you have awards ceremonies?
Yes! We hold awards evenings in the Summer Term to award students who have achieved the highest marks in the year, but also to recognise other positive behaviours such as 100% attendance, most improvement and best performer.
Do you offer a boys only class?
We don’t at the moment, but we’re keen to start one. If you have a boy who would like to attend a Boys Only class please do get in touch.
What other opportunities do you offer your pupils?
Every three years we put on a full school show. In previous years we have staged Alice’s Adventures, Coppelia, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker amongst other favourites.
Between these times there are plenty of opportunities to perform either at village festivals and fetes (Bournville Village Festival being a favourite), live orchestra and showcase events and the introduction to various courses and performances hosted by other schools and societies.
Over the years our pupils have performed in Victoria Square, Birmingham, Symphony Hall and Birmingham Town Hall to name but a few.
How often are fees paid and how?
To spread the cost of classes fees are paid each half term. We invoice 2 weeks prior to the start of term via email. The email contains both your invoice and a link to pay online. For ease of traceability we do not accept cash, cheque or bank transfer payments. It is essential you allow into your safe senders list once you have enrolled.
Why should my child dance?
Children are dancers as soon as they can walk. They are born with creativity and frequently express themselves and their feelings/needs through movement. Later, this inherent, creative skill can be cultivated by a qualified Teacher into Dance.
Dance can only be learned by observation, imitation and by performing moves. The child progresses through trial and error and the caring feedback they receive. They learn by making mistakes and overcoming them, in time, by practice and joy in achievement.
When we dance, we don’t only learn specific moves, we learn to understand our bodies and master the movements and overcome our own limitations.
To become a Dancer requires discipline, hard work and practice and these are excellent values for children to learn.
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